
Pets Referral Service

Sometimes we may need to refer pets to specialists for more complex cases. The referral process typically occurs when the pet’s condition exceeds the capabilities of the primary veterinarian.

Specialists are trained in specific areas of veterinary medicine, such as cardiology, oncology, neurology, and surgery. We will work with the specialists to provide the best possible care for your pet, and we will keep you informed throughout the process. Referrals can be a daunting process, but we are here to help and support you and your pet through this process.


Benefits of Services

Safety Standards are Include

The following are some of the safety standards that veterinarians should follow during pet referral:

a) Conduct sufficient research and background checks on the reputation and record of the specialist to whom the pet is being referred.

b) Provide detailed medical information to the specialist to help them make an accurate diagnosis.

c) Proper communication and coordination between the referring veterinarian and the specialist to ensure that the pet’s needs are being met appropriately.

d) Provide adequate follow-up and monitoring of the pet’s condition after referral to ensure a smooth recovery.


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We’ll Take Care
of your Pets

Pet referral is an approach used by veterinarians to ensure that their patients receive the best possible care, even if it means that they need to refer them to a specialist. However, during the referral process, veterinarians have the responsibility to ensure that all safety standards are followed to minimize possible complications or health risks to the pet.

A referral should be considered when a pet has a health condition that requires specialized care, such as oncology, cardiology, or neurology.

A referral can benefit a pet's health by providing access to specialized care and treatments that can improve their condition and quality of life.

No, a referral does not mean that a primary care veterinarian cannot treat a pet. A referral provides additional support and expertise to help manage a pet's health.

Your primary care veterinarian can provide a referral to a specialist and help schedule an appointment for your pet.